Sarah Faulkner’s ENGL 330 Romanticism Syllabus.docx
A. A. Markley, “Race in Romantic Reformist Fiction: A Course Syllabus”
See the appendices to Teaching Global Romanticism, ed. Wendy Nielsen, Romantic Circles (March 2020)
See the Romantic Circles collection of syllabi for Romanticism
Keyword list: Tagging Key Words.docx
Tags list per assignment: Assignment Tags and Tracking
Conny Cassity’s “Citation Politics”
Keywords: discussion; online; asynchronous; citation practice; discerning explicit/implicit bias
Conny Cassity’s “Final Project: Teaching Romanticism”
Keywords: final; asynchronous; online; bigger 6 romanticism; creative; transferable skills
Laura Clapper’s “Anti-Racist Orientation in Research”
Keywords: citation; inquiry; sources; text recommendations; library resources; reflection
Kefaya Diab’s “Personal Experience Essay”
Keywords: essay; personal; social injustice; revision; scaffolding
Kefaya Diab’s “Web-Text for Social Justice”
Keywords: essay; group project; proposal; social injustice; dismantling dominant narratives
Sarah Faulkner’s Sample Assignment Prompts
Keywords: final; online; synchronous; asynchronous; multimodal; discussion; research; lesson plan; inquiry; scaffolding; reader response; lived experience
Sarah Faulkner’s Romanticism Syllabus Explained Video
Keywords: syllabus; inquiry; reflection; creative; anti-racist; romanticism
Hilary Fezzey’s “Anti-Racist Mindfulness Activities”
Keywords: face-to-face; online; anti-racist mindfulness; reflection; primer; discussion
Hilary Fezzey’s “Invented Dialogues” and “Student Sample Invented Dialogues”
Keywords: online; asynchronous; multimodal; creative; close reading
Hilary Fezzey’s “Literary Map”
Keywords: visual; close-reading; asynchronous; primer
Hilary Fezzey’s “Reading Response Assignments”
Keywords: discussion; reader-response; anti-racism; intersectionality; gender; racial identity
Hilary Fezzey’s “Research Presentation and Paper”
Keywords: research; proposal; presentation; creative; intersectionality (mastery of); bias (explicit/implicit)
Hilary Fezzey’s “Research Project with Archival and Scholarly Sources”
Keywords: research project; online; asynchronous; content mastery; intersectionality; revision; proposal; annotated bibliography
Tina M. Iemma’s “Bigger6 Romantic Literature Final Project”
Keywords: creative; multimodal; lived experience; antiracist assessment; proposal; annotated bibliography
Omar F. Miranda’s “Unexpected Byronic Heroes (from South America)”
Keywords: byronic hero; samples; reflection
Guillermo Pupo Pernet’s “Mapping Race in the 18th Century”
Keywords: discussion; close reading; geopolitics; cartography; borders; race; representation; colonialism
Rebecca L. Schneider’s “Literary History Final Project”
Keywords: final project; asynchronous; online; literary history; anthology; proposal;
April Toadvine’s “Wiki Project”
Keywords: discussion; multimodal; imagination; slavery; white power; racism; gender; representation; reflection
Charles Tita’s Summary and Critique of Primary Text
Keywords: close reading; primer; reflection; representation; imagination; reader response
Charles Tita’s Short Analysis Essay
Keywords: short paper; close reading; slavery; reflection; white power; reader response
Charles Tita’s Argument Synthesis Essay Assignment
Keywords: online; asynchronous; research; final project; reflection; caste; white power; problematizing race
Charles Tita’s Discussion Forum Assignment
Keywords: online; asynchronous; close reading; reflection; racial stereotypes; racism; slavery; reader response