Resources for Talking about Race in the Classroom

General Resources

The following resources provide general overviews and training broadly pertaining to anti-racist teaching. Many of these resources include excellent additional bibliographies and recommendations for further reading: 

Resources Specific to Teaching the 18th and 19th Centuries

The following resources support teaching about race specifically in classrooms studying the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries: 

  • Brycchan Carey, “Teaching & Learning Guide for: Slavery and Romanticism,” Literature Compass 3.3 (2006): 397-408.

  • Shelby Johnson, Brigitte Fielder, and Kerry Sinanan, “Race, Pedagogy, and Whiteness in the Long 18 C: A Teach-In” 

  • Kathleen Lubey, “Teaching Eighteenth-Century Black Lives.” Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture 49 (2020): 145-149.

Guides and Activities

The following resources include tailored discussions of subtopics pertaining to anti-racist teaching: