A History of Nihilism in the Nineteenth Century: Confrontations with Nothingness

Book Title: A History of Nihilism in the Nineteenth Century:
Confrontations with Nothingness

Author / Editor: Jon Stewart

Publication year: 2023

Academic / Fiction: Academic

Broad genre/topics: Nineteenth-Century Philosophy, History, History of Ideas and Intellectual History

Publisher: Cambridge UP

Link to Book: https://www-cambridge-org.ezp.lib.cam.ac.uk/core/books/history-of-nihilism-in-the-nineteenth-century/3250CA078409F52025B46A5CCF205792

Keywords: Enlightenment science, absurdity,

One-line Comment:

“A History of Nihilism in the Nineteenth Century delivers a comprehensive, balanced survey of the leading philosophical and literary attempts to grapple with the concept of nothingness.” – Daniel Conway

Contributor(s): K-SAA Comms Fellow ‘24

