The Keats-Shelley Association of America Blog

Our blog features a range of posts on the topic of Romanticism, including commentary on current news items; dispatches of official K-SAA business and descriptions of our initiatives; calls for contributions; event notices; publication announcements, and more.

We want to hear from K-SAA members and followers! Do you have an idea for a blog post? If so, please view our Call for Submissions or contact The Communications Team.

New film, UNBOUND: Scenes from the Life of Mary Shelley

The Institute of Contemporary Art/Boston recently held a screening of a new experimental take on the life of Mary Shelley. Here's what the ICA Boston's Website says about the film:

Working with non-actors, the seasons, and the extraordinary architecture and landscapes of Rome, Abigail Child has created the exuberant and visually gorgeous UNBOUND: Scenes from the Life of Mary Shelley. In the shape of imaginary home movies, the film tells the story of the teenage author of Frankenstein and her husband, the romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley.

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The Blog and the K-SAA Twitter are curated and managed by The Communications Team. We are a group of early-career scholars seeking to support and make vital the work of emerging voices within and without academia. Click here to see profiles of current and previous team members.