ECR Events and Updates April 2022

Here at the K-SAA, we enjoy networking and building a scholarly community. If you have any events or opportunities taking place that focus on the Romantic period (whether taking place in the USA, internationally, or online), please do let us know by emailing, and we can post details on the blog! 

1.NASSR BARS Paper Prizes

NASSR/BARS 2022 Graduate Student Paper Prizes

(Co-sponsored by NASSR, BARS, and European Romantic Review)

Each year, NASSR conference organizers offer a prize for the Best Graduate Student Paper presented at the conference. For the joint NASSR/BARS conference, we are offering two prizes. To be eligible, you must be a graduate student in good standing at the time of the conference, as well as a registered participant and NASSR and/or BARS member at the time of submission. Please email an electronic copy of your paper with a 100 word abstract to the conference organizers at with the subject line “Grad Paper Prize” by 5 July, 2022.

The winning papers will be considered for publication in the special conference issue of European Romantic Review. The winners will be announced at the opening conference reception.

2. NASSR Travel Bursaries

Each year, NASSR offers several travel bursaries of CDN$250 each to assist graduate students presenting papers at the annual NASSR conference. The competition is open to all NASSR members who are graduate students, with the exception of students who received bursaries in the previous year. At least one bursary will go to a student at a Canadian university and at least one will go to a student at a U.S. university. Applications are assessed in terms both of merit and need.

For Edge Hill, 2022, applicants should submit a copy of their conference proposal, proof of graduate student status (e.g. unofficial transcript), and a budget (including both estimated costs and other sources of funding) by Monday, 13 June. Please email applications to Please note that all of those applying for bursaries must be NASSR members in good standing. Bursary cheques will be handed out at the conference or, in exceptional circumstances, mailed out after the conference. NB: Travel bursaries will be disbursed only to students who physically travel to the conference and therefore incur those additional costs; students who attend virtually are not eligible.

To encourage diversity in our membership and at our conferences, NASSRearmarks some travel funds for graduate students of colour, students with disabilities, LGBTQ, and/or first-generation students. If you identify as a member of one or more of these groups and would like your application to be considered in that light, please make this clear with a couple of sentences in your application.

Funding for these bursaries is made possible by the generous contributions from the organizers of the Dalhousie (1999), Winnipeg (2015), and Ottawa (2017) NASSR conferences, as well as by donations from Gale Cengage.

North American Society for the Study of Romanticism

3. Mary Wollstonecraft and Dissent

Saturday, 30 April 2022, 10 am – 6 pm.

This is a hybrid event: tickets are available to attend in person or to access the talks streamed live online.

Join us for a celebration of the anniversary of the birth of the great feminist thinker, exploring the origins of her revolutionary ideas and their continuing relevance.

We will also be celebrating the re-opening of the Newington Green Meeting House, the oldest Non-Conformist place of worship in London. Following extensive renovation sponsored by the National Heritage Lottery Fund, this beautiful historic building was relaunched in 2020 as a heritage space dedicated to the legacy of the Dissenters at the birthplace of feminism. Mary Wollstonecraft established a school for girls at Newington Green in 1784, and gained inspiration and support from activists and intellectuals settled in the neighbourhood, including such Dissenting luminaries as Richard Price and Anna Letitia Barbauld.    

Talks will explore dissent, both in relation to the community of religious Dissenters in Wollstonecraft’s time and as a key aspect of feminism and progressive politics today.   

Speakers: Sandrine Berges, Emma Clery, Alan Coffee, Hannah Dawson, Mary Fairclough, Eileen M. Hunt, Laura Kirkley, Susan Manly, Charlotte May, Catherine Packham, Bee Rowlatt, Kandice Sharren, Janet Todd, Roberta Wedge, and Daisy Hay, who will be discussing her exciting new group biography of Dissenting London,Dinner with Joseph Johnson: Books and Friendship in a Revolutionary Age(Chatto & Windus).

 There will be an art display, a book stall, free historical walking tours around Newington Green and Stoke Newington, birthday cake, and more…

Activists, enthusiasts, students and scholars – all welcome.

This event is hosted by ‘Newington Green Meeting House: Revolutionary Ideas since 1708,’ with the Mary Wollstonecraft Fellowship and the support of the National Heritage Lottery Fund.

4. ‘Using the Zooniverse Project Builder’ free workshop, 20 May 2022, Lancaster University, UK. (10 x ECR travel bursaries available):

‘Using the Zooniverse Project Builder’ 

20 May 2022, 11am-5pm 

Digital Scholarship Lab, Library, Lancaster University, LA1 4YD

Over the course of the workshop, participants will have the opportunity to discuss using the Zooniverse Project Builder with Dr Samantha Blickhan (Zooniverse Co-Director and Humanities Lead, based at the Adler Planetarium, Chicago) and other members of the Davy Notebooks Project team (including Professors Sharon Ruston and Frank James). There’ll be several interactive sessions over the course of the day, and there’ll be plenty of time for Q&A and discussion.

This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about using the Zooniverse Project Builder – the essential tool that Zooniverse project owners use to make their project data available to volunteers – and there’ll be a specific focus on recent technical developments in the project building process; no prior experience of using Zooniverse or advance preparation is necessary. The workshop (11am-5pm) will take place in the Digital Scholarship Lab of the Library, Bailrigg campus, Lancaster University, and lunch will be provided. If you’d like to attend, please register using this Eventbrite link:

To apply for an ECR travel bursary of up to £50 (current MA and PhD students and anyone not on a full-time permanent contract welcome to apply), please send a statement of no longer than 200 words outlining your interest in the workshop to by Tuesday 5 April. If you have a general enquiry, please send it to the same address.

5. Davy Notebooks Project Transcribe-a-thon
Saturday 14 May 2022, 11am-3.30pm
Room B29, Foster Court building, UCL main campus, WC1E 6BT, UK 

Over the course of the event, there will be talks from Professors Sharon Ruston and Frank James about running a crowdsourced transcription project and the benefits of digitising Romantic-era manuscripts. There will also be short training sessions/talks on how to transcribe Davy’s hand and the material challenges of working with Davy’s notebooks. During two hands-on sessions, participants will gain experience of transcribing early nineteenth-century handwriting and contribute transcriptions of a previously untranscribed Davy notebook, containing some of Davy’s electrochemistry lecture notes from 1808. This is an excellent opportunity to acquire or develop skills to read and transcribe early nineteenth-century manuscripts, and to learn more about a crowdsourced transcription project. Lunch will be provided.

No prior experience or preparation is necessary, and questions/discussion will, of course, be very warmly welcomed. There are plenty of computer terminals in the room, so there’s no need to bring a laptop. We hope to see you there!

If you’d like to attend, please register using this Eventbrite link:

To apply for an ECR travel bursary of up to £50 (anyone not in full-time, permanent academic employment is welcome to apply), please send a statement of no longer than 200 words outlining your interest in the transcribe-a-thon to davynotebooks at lancaster dot ac dot uk by Tuesday 12 April. If you have a general enquiry, please send it to the same address.

Our Zooniverse project page is here:


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Matthew Sangster on Living as an Author in the Romantic Period: Part 1


Call for Applications: K-SAA Director of Operations