Romanticism Panels at MLA

The K-SAA is sponsoring two Romanticism panels at MLA this year, but there are a host of panels this year addressing the Romantic period more generally. If you're in New York City for MLA 2018, be sure to check out the following paper presentations. 

60. Frankenstein at Two Hundred: Attachment, Disability, and the Monstrous Body, Thursday, 4 January, 1:45-3:00PM, at Bowery (Sheraton). 

Presiding: Giorgina Paiella (U of California, Santa Barbara)

“Just Friends: Frankenstein and the Friend to Come,” Julie Ann Carlson, (University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 

“‘Eight Feet in Height, and Proportionably Large’: The Creature’s Body from Thomas P. Cooke to Benedict Cumberbatch,” Elizabeth Denlinger, (New York Public Library, New York City, NY)

Frankenstein and the Question of Ability,” Dwight Codr, (University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT)

64. Poetry and Illustration in British Romanticism, Thursday, 4 January, 1:45-3:00PM, at Central Park West (Sheraton). 

Presiding: James C. McKusick (U of Missouri, Kansas City). Respondent: Seamus Perry (U of Oxford, Balliol C) 

"On Not Reading Blake's Large Color Prints", Joseph Viscomi, (U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)

“‘Illustration and Terror: Thomas Macklin's Poets' Gallery in a Revolutionary Decade," Ian Haywood (U of Roehampton) 

“Passing Time in Victorian Illustrations to Romantic Poetry," Tom Mole (U of Edinburgh)

110. Walking the Walk: Romantic Writing on the Trail, Thursday, 4 January, 3:30-4:45 PM, at Riverside Suite (Sheraton). 

Presiding: Ashton Nichols (Dickinson C)

"'Over the Sea to the Skye': Dr. Johnson and Wordsworth on Dun Cann," Ashton Nichols (Dickinson C) 

"Lucy on the Trail with Violets," Alan Richardson (Boston C)

"The Infinite Helix: Walking the Spiral Jetty with Coleridge," Debbie Lee (Washington State U, Pullman)

"Walking Through and To Enlightenment," Mark Lussier (Arizona State U)

183. Ecology, Aesthetics, Empire: Romanticism and Its Afterlives, Thursday, 4 January, 7:00PM-8:30PM, Murray Hill (Sheraton). 

Presiding : Anne-Lise Francois (UC Berkeley)

"Undigested Sentiment in John Keats's 'Isabella: or, The Pot of Basil," S. Cailey Hall (UCLA)

"Cutting Breath: Romanticism's Polar Life," Michael Nicholson (McGill U)

"Bela Bartok's Dissonant Ecologies," Rasheed Tazudeen (U of Toronto)

"Indigenous Poetry under the Nuclear Sun," Anais Maurer (Columbia U)

270. Byron and Politics, Friday, 5 January, 10:15-11:30 AM, at Central Park West (Sheraton). 

Presiding: Jack Wasserman (Byron Society of America)

Jonathan Gross (DePaul U)

Piya Pal-Lapinkski (Bowling Green State U)

Andrew Warren (Harvard U)

327. Organicisms: Organisms, Friday, 5 January, 1:45-3:00 PM, at Hilton.  Presiding: Tilottama Rajan (U of Western Ontario)

"Degenerations: Inversions of Teleology," Joan Steigerwald (York U)

"Emerson, Embryogenesis, and the Ontology of Style," Benjamin Barasch  (Columbia U)

"Reogranizing Darwin: Anti-organic Naturalism and the Ecology of Form," Devin Griffiths (U of Southern California)

368. Romantics at Two Hundred: 2018 Reads 1818, Friday, 5 January, 3:30 PM-4:45 PM at Central Park East (Sheraton).

“Hazlitt’s People: 1818 and 2018,” Frances Ferguson (U of Chicago)

“Taming Austen: 1817–21 and 2018?,” William H. Galperin (Rutgers U, New Brunswick)

“The Anthologies of 1818 and 2018: Endymion, Frankenstein, Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage III,” Susan J. Wolfson (Princeton U)

475. Romantic Personification Reconsidered, Saturday 6 January, 8:30 AM-9:45AM, Central Park East (Sheraton). 

Presiding: Mark Canuel (U Illinois at Chicago).

"Soulless Immortal: The Incorporation of Personhood circa 1800," Daniel Stout (U Mississippi)

"Personifying Persons," Frances Ferguson (U Chicago)

“Personification and the Everyday,” Brian McGrath (Clemson U)

554. John Clare: Encounters, Saturday, 6 January, 12:00PM-1:45PM, Union Square (Sheraton). 

Presiding: Erica McAlpine (Oxford U)

"'The Invitation': Periodical Border Wars and the Poetics of Encounter," Marie-Christine Hyland (New York U)

"'Like a Ruin of the Past All Alone': Encountering History in John Clare's Remembrances," Timothy Heimlich (UC Berkeley)

"'Thou Lowly Cot': Rudimentary Architecture in John Clare and Robert Frost," Marissa Grunes (Harvard U)

620. South Asia and Romanticism, Saturday, 6 January, 1:45 PM-3:00PM, Central Park East (Sheraton). Co-sponsored with the Forum on South Asian Diasporic Literatures.

Manu Samriti Chander (Rutgers U, Newark, Newark)

Christopher Kelleher (U of Toronto, Toronto)

Gaura Shankar Narayan (Purchase C, State U of New York, Purchase, NY)

Υin Yuan (Boston C, Boston)

Respondent: Daniel E. White (U of Toronto, Toronto)

645: Word and Image in British Romanticism, Saturday 6 January, 3:30-4:45PM, Riverside Ballroom (Sheraton) 

Presiding: Jonathan Farina (Seton Hall U)

"Antislavery Satire before Abolitionism: Two New Images," Deirdre Patricia Coleman (U of Melbourne)

"Blake's Wollstonecraft's Girls," Elizabeth Fay (UMass Boston)

"Hebrew Micrography in the Works of William Blake," Sarah Stein (Arkansas Tech U)

"The Game of Human Life: Late Romantic Amusement, Social Class, and Illustration," Rosetta Young (UC Berkeley)

665. Romanticizing Meta-?, Saturday, 6 January, 5:15PM-6:30PM, Grammercy (Sheraton). 

Presiding: Ross Wilson (Cambridge U)

"Meta-physics," Marjorie Levinson (U Michigan, Ann Arbor)

"Meta-critique," Alexander Regier (Rice U)

"European Transformations of Reflection: A Short History," Paul Hamilton (U of London, Queen Mary)

759. Literary Adaptation as Democratic Exchange in the Romantic Period, Sunday 7 January, 10:15-11:30AM, Sutton Place (Sheraton)

"Godwin, Wollstonecraft, Robinson, and the Rise of Novelization; or, Adaptation as an Art Form of Democracy," Glenn Jellenick (U of Central Arkansas)

"Romantic Adaptations: Minerva's Shared Circuit of Popular Conventions," Elizabeth Neiman (U of Maine, Orono)

"Hack Dramatists, Adaptations, and Cultural Literacy in the Nineteenth Century," Lissette Lopez Szwydky (U of Arkansas, Fayetteville)

814. Secular Relics, Sunday, January 07, 2018  12:00 PM-01:15 PM, New York Ballroom West (Sheraton). Organized by Denise Gigante for the forum LLC English Romantic.

Esther H. Schor (Princeton U)

Margaret E. Russett (U of Southern California)

Forest Pyle (U of Oregon)

Amanda Jo Goldstein (Cornell U)

For a full list of  MLA sessions on Romanticism and the Nineteenth-Century, visit


Concerns over the John Clare Collection at Northampton Central Library


MLA Panels and K-SAA Awards Dinner