K-SAA @ the MLA: 2018 Conference Panels

The Keats-Shelley Association of America will be hosting two conference panels at the 2018 MLA Convention. Join us for these panels as well as the K-SAA's Annual Awards Dinner on January 6. 

368. Romantics at Two Hundred: 2018 Reads 1818, Friday, 5 January 3:30 PM-4:45 PM, Central Park East (Sheraton)

Keats-Shelley Association of America 

Hazlitt’s People: 1818 and 2018, Frances Ferguson (U of Chicago)

Taming Austen: 1817–21 and 2018?, William H. Galperin (Rutgers U, New Brunswick)

The Anthologies of 1818 and 2018: Endymion, Frankenstein, Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage III, Susan J. Wolfson (Princeton U)

Presiding: William H. Galperin (Rutgers U, New Brunswick) 

620. South Asia and Romanticism, Saturday, 6 January 1:45 PM-3:00 PM, Central Park East (Sheraton)

Forum on South Asian and South Asian Diasporic Literatures 

Keats-Shelley Association of America 

This session addresses the importance of the transnational turn in literary studies and of postcolonial theory to an understanding of British Romanticism as both a historical period and an aesthetic category. Panelists discuss early nineteenth-century representations of South Asia and then the formation of Romanticism in the imperial public sphere and its discourses of orientalism, cosmopolitanism, and globalism. For related materials: gaura.narayan@purchase.edu (after 20 Dec). 


Manu Samriti Chander (Rutgers U, Newark, Newark)

Christopher Kelleher (U of Toronto, Toronto)

Gaura Shankar Narayan (Purchase C, State U of New York, Purchase, NY)

Daniel E. White (U of Toronto, Toronto)

Respondent: Yin Yuan (Boston C, Boston)

Presiding: Sonia Hofkosh (Tufts U, Boston)


Shelley Conference: M. Callaghan on Laon & Cythna’s ditched opening


Shelley Conference: Interview with Plenary Speaker Kelvin Everest