Suggested Pedagogy Readings

Ahmed, Sara. On Being Included: Racism and Diversity in Institutional Life. Duke UP, 2012. 

---. Complaint! Duke UP, 2021.

---. The Cultural Politics of Emotion. 2nd ed. Routledge, 2014. 

---. Living a Feminist Life. Duke UP, 2017.

Beloit College Office of Student Success, Equity, and Community. “Curriculum.” Decolonizing Pedagogies Series.

Bolton, Philathia, Cassander L. Smith, and Lee Bebout, eds. Teaching with Tension: Race, Resistance, and Reality in the Classroom. Northwestern UP, 2019. 

Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo. Racism without Racists: Color-Blind Racism and the Persistence of Racial Inequality in America. 3rd ed. Rowman and Littlefield, 2009. 

Brady Laura M., Adriana L. Germano, and Stephanie A. Fryberg. “Leveraging Cultural Differences to Promote Educational Equality.” Current Opinion in Psychology 18 (2017): 79-83.

Brown, Brené. Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead. Avery, 2015. 

Calderón, José Z., ed. Race, Poverty, and Social Justice: Multidisciplinary Perspectives through Service Learning. Stylus, 2007. 

Chambers, Crystal Renée and Rhonda Vonshay Sharpe, eds. Black Female Undergraduates on Campus: Successes and Challenges. Emerald, 2012. 

Cohen, Geoffrey L., Julio García, Valerie Purdie-Greenaway, and Nancy Apfel. “Recursive Processes in Self-Affirmation: Intervening to Close the Minority Achievement Gap.” Science 324 (2009): 400-403.

Collins, Patricia. Another Kind of Public Education: Race, Schools, the Media and Democratic Possibilities. Beacon, 2009.

Cox, Kimberly Shannon Draucker and Doreen Thierauf, eds. “‘Teaching to Transgress’ in the Emergency Remote Classroom.” Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies 17.1 (2021): 

Crenshaw, Kimberlé Williams, Luke Charles Harris, Daniel Martinez HoSang, and George Lipsitz, eds. Seeing Race Again: Countering Colorblindness across the Disciplines. U of California P, 2019. 

Davis, Angela Y. Freedom Is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement. Haymarket, 2016. 

DeGruy, Joy. Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome: America’s Legacy of Enduring Injury and Healing. Joy DeGruy, 2017. 

Ellsworth, Elizabeth. “Why Doesn’t This Feel Empowering?: Working Through the Repressive Myths of 

Critical Pedagogy,” Harvard Educational Review 59.3 (1989): 297-325.

Gannon, Kevin. Radical Hope: A Teaching Manifesto. West Virginia UP, 2020.

Gay, Roxane. Bad Feminist: Essays. Harper Collins, 2014. 

Grobman, Laurie and Roberta Rosenberg, eds. Service Learning and Literary Studies in English. MLA, 2015. 

Gurung, Regan A. R. and Loreto Prieto, eds. Getting Culture: Incorporating Diversity across the Curriculum. Stylus, 2009. 

Gurung, Regan A. R. and David Voelker, eds. Big Picture Pedagogy: Finding Interdisciplinary Solutions to Common Learning Problems. Jossey-Bass, 2017. 

Gutiérrez y Muhs, Gabriella, Yolanda Flores Niemann, Carmen G. Gonzalez, and Angela P. Harris, eds. Presumed Incompetent: The Intersections of Race and Class for Women in Academia. Utah State UP, 2012.

hooks, bell. Teaching Community: A Pedagogy of Hope. Routledge, 2003. 

---. Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom. Routledge, 1994. 

Kearney, Richard and Melissa Fitzpatrick. Radical Hospitality: From Thought to Action. Fordham UP, 2021.

Kendi, Ibram X. How to Be an Antiracist. Random House, 2019.

Kernahan, Cyndi. Teaching about Race and Racism in the College Classroom: Notes from a White Professor. West Virginia UP, 2019.

King, Ruth. Mindful of Race: Transforming Racism from the Inside Out. Sounds True, 2018. 

Krznaric, Roman. Empathy: Why It Matters, and How to Get It. TarcherPerigee, 2015. 

La paperson. A Third University Is Possible. U of Minnesota P, 2017.

Lensmire, Timothy J. White Folks: Race and Identity in Rural America. Routledge, 2017. 

Lorde, Audre. Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches. 1984. Crossing Press, 2007.

Matthew, Patricia A., ed. Written/Unwritten: Diversity and the Hidden Truths of Tenure. U of North Carolina P, 2016.

Mendez-Zamora, Yareliz. “Surviving Institutions that Weren't Created for You.” Huffington Post. 2 Aug. 2017. 

Morrison, Toni. Playing in the Dark: Whiteness and the Literary Imagination. Harvard UP, 1992.

Okun, Tema. “White Supremacy Culture.” DR Works. n.d. 

Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. Outside in the Teaching Machine. Routledge, 1993. 

Steele, Claude M. Whistling Vivaldi: How Stereotypes Affect Us and What We Can Do. Norton, 2011. 

Tatum, Beverly Daniel. Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? and Other Conversations about Race. Basic, 2017. 

Truesdell, Nicole, Jesse Carr, and Catherine M. Orr. “The Role of Combahee in Anti-Diversity Work.” Souls 19.3 (2017): 359-376. 

Tuck, Eve and K. Wayne Yang. “Decolonization Is Not a Metaphor.” Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society 1.1 (2012): 1-40. 

Tuhiwai Smith, Linda. Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples. Zed, 1999.

Tuhiwai, Smith, Eve Tuck, and K. Wayne Yang, eds. Indigenous and Decolonizing Studies in Education: Mapping the Long View. Routledge, 2019.